Welcome to Dr Annmarie Hanlon
Digital business and digital marketing
All business is moving toward digital, the challenge is the process and ensuring the right steps are taken at the right time.
Contact me for a conversation about how I can help support your business in its digital transformation journey.

Annmarie’s Work
Textbooks about
digital business and
digital marketing
Annmarie’s SAGE textbooks include Digital Marketing, Strategic Planning & Integration and The Digital Marketing Planner.

For the latest editions…
About Annmarie
Chartered Marketer FCIM MMII FHEA

Dr Annmarie Hanlon Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing at the Cranfield School of Management and a practitioner working on digital strategy projects in business to consumer and business to business organisations.
Originally a graduate in French and Linguistics, she subsequently gained a Masters in Business Administration, focusing on marketing planning. She studied for the Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma for which she won the Worshipful Company of Marketors’ award for the best worldwide results. Subsequently she was awarded the Mais Scholarship for her PhD which investigated the strategic application of social media within organisations.
As an early adopter, working in ‘online marketing’ since 1990, she is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Member of the Marketing Institute Ireland and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Marketors. Annmarie’s research interests include the business application of social media and digital transformation within organisations.